Sunday, 24 March 2013

I AM (making) THE LAWW! part one.

Watched DREDD with the missus a few days ago, and got that tingly feeling.
Thought it'd be cool to play a game where you were one of the Mega City one dispatchers sending Judges out to fight crime, having to choose which crimes to focus on, and which ones to let go.

Sounds fun right?

I went another way. Please, someone feel free to make THAT game.

The game I came up with is a little more straight forward. I've got a bad habit of over-complicating games so much that they never get past the design doc phase. So this one, I'm purposely hamstringing myself. I'm only creating the basic mechanics, and once it's done and playable, I'll create a more advanced "Expansion" that tags on all the other cool Ideas I have.

But yeah, I'd like to have a game ready for anyone reading this blog to play.

I'm going with the title: "The LAWW" for the moment. I think it evokes what I'm going for. It's a solo game, but can be played with two players. I think, for the most part I'm going to design games with a focus on solo play, because I am a very lonely man.

I whipped up some counters in the Google Docs drawing app:

I'm using the Drawing app as a way to limit myself. I'm double plus visual by nature, and if I try to do full out counters and artwork right away I'll NEVER get to the game itself (but I'll have shiny counters to not play a game on).

What's with the numbers? Just preliminary stats for how I *THINK* the game will play.
$1-M1 means the LAWW officer will cost $1 to hire, and (M)ove 1 hex per turn. The 2+ etc... on the criminals is the roll needed on a d6 to arrest them. Like I said, keeping it simple first time out folks.

So yeah, simple, but usable and not too ugly counters. I'll add the art later right?

And I imagined the game taking place over an entire city, so I whipped up a game board using Flash, Photoshop and more Google Draw.

 Here's the city. I'm calling it "Libertaire" at the moment, because I'm slowly developing a story about a Libertarian City State gone terribly wrong.

Anyway, you can see it's broken up into Districts, the way I figure it,if the criminals completely occupy a District then bad things'll happen.

The $'s you see around represent the LAWW's budget. If criminals occupy that hex, they lose that from their budget. Representing... I dunno, the Oversight Committees concern that they're not fulfilling their contract.

I'm putting together a prototype right now (Waiting on some glue drying) But I'll give the game a play though (I'd like it to be a quick 30-45 minute game) and let ya'll know how it goes.


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